Corporate Administration Services
Administration and the maintenance and filing of company records are the backbone of any corporate governance regime. To be done effectively, corporate administration requires experience and an understanding of the regulatory framework that applies to the organisation in question.
What can we help with?
Our corporate administration services include:
- local company incorporations/deregistrations
- foreign company registrations/dissolutions
- bank account establishment
- business name registration
- appointment as registered agent with ASIC
- appointment as local agent for foreign registered companies
- attending to ASIC returns and regular filings
- drafting directors' resolutions, for example:
- change of directors or officers
- annual solvency resolutions
- share issues
- drafting members' resolutions, for example:
- change of company name
- amendment to the constitution
- capital reductions
- maintaining statutory registers
- administering a dedicated members registry for large proprietary/unlisted public companies
- maintaining of corporate registers, such as:
- directors' interests registers
- contracts registers
- intellectual property registers
- management of electronic board portals
Company Matters also offers:
- Registered Office Services - An Australian company must have a registered office where correspondence can be sent - it must be a physical address and cannot be a post office box. The company's name must be prominently displayed at the registered office.
- Taxation Registration Services - In order to carry on business, a company is required to apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN); Tax File Number (TFN); if the annual turnover is expected to exceed A$75,000 in any financial year, to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST) and if the company will be employing staff or contractors, to register for Pay As You Go withholding (PAYG) (together - referred to as Taxation Registration).
- Public Officer Services - Companies that carry on a business or derive income in Australia must appoint a Public Officer. A Public Officer must reside in Australia and have an Australian Tax File Number.